
Dr. Man-Chung Tang Elected as Honorary Member of IABMAS

Dr. Man-Chung Tang Elected as Honorary Member of IABMAS

Company News
Dr. Man-Chung Tang

T.Y. Lin International Chairman, Dr. Man-Chung Tang, has been named as the first honorary member of the International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) in recognition of his lifelong service to IABMAS and his contributions to the advancement of the organization.

President of IABMAS and Professor, Dan M. Frangopol, presented the honorary membership to Dr. Tang on July 10, 2012, at the 6th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management in Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy. The citation read as follows: “For his outstanding contributions and innovations to bridge engineering design and practice and for continuously and substantially advancing both the state-of-the-art and state-of-practice in bridge design.”

Founded in 1999, the IABMAS is an international organization dedicated to becoming the premier international organization for the advancement of the state-of-the-art in the fields of bridge maintenance, safety and management. Its main objective is to promote international cooperation in the fields of bridge maintenance, safety, and management for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society.