
Hurricane Maria Memorial

Hurricane Maria Memorial

New York, New York
United States
Hurricane Maria Memorial

TYLin provided structural engineering services for this new memorial in Battery Park City in New York, New York.

Designed by artist Antonio Martorell, this competition-winning memorial to the victims of the 2017 storm takes the form of an abstract mural. The design stretches across an ascending glass spiral and a series of upright central panels rising up to 16 feet. Lines of the poem Farewell from Welfare Island by Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos are inscribed among the spray of colors fired onto a glass interlayer. The central panels are mounted to architectural concrete benches and connected overhead by a series of stainless steel plates that are arranged to resemble the Puerto Rican flag's star.

While the primary scope was designing the concrete elements that support the panels, TYLin also played a significant role in coordinating with the geotechnical consultant (Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers) and the glass engineer (Eckersley O’Callaghan). During construction administration, engineers conducted site visits to review a mock-up of the base detail, which includes an exposed architectural concrete finish.

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