
Nellis Air Force Base Reclaimed Water Pipeline

Nellis Air Force Base Reclaimed Water Pipeline

United States
Nellis Air Force Base Reclaimed Water Pipeline

Greeley and Hansen, A TYLin Company, collaborated with the City of North Las Vegas to design and permit a pipeline to deliver reclaimed water to Nellis Air Force Base for non-potable water uses.

The pipeline is a 10-inch diameter PVC C-900 which extends approximately 12,100 LF from the WRF to the Sunrise Golf Course irrigation ponds. The reclaimed water pipeline is pumped from the WRF, beneath a 100-foot-wide concrete lined wash, under several major existing utilities and through a golf course. 

The pipeline was sized to handle flow year-round ranging from 1.1 mgd to 2.2 mgd and discharge to two ponds within the golf course. An alignment alternative analysis was conducted, comparing hydraulics and potential property acquisitions. The final route is approximately 12,500 LF of 10-inch pipeline.  

Passing through federal lands, the pipeline required an extensive permitting process with a variety of agencies. The time to obtain each permit varied from a few days to up to five months. The NEPA Environmental Assessment required communication with over 30 tribes in addition to communication with federal and local agencies. 

Project Highlights: 

  • The project involved complex coordination of the permitting agencies and stakeholders. 
  • The reclaimed water is conveyed for non-potable water uses. 
  • Greeley and Hansen provided hydraulic modeling and alignment analyses.